Dani's Birthday

Our favorite Xmas baby (who hates to make birthday plans) was forced to celebrate last night! The lovely Ms. E. arranged for us all to meet up at the Village Bistro in Arlington. It was a nice small party of 9 - Stick braved the highways and crazy drivers all the way up from Atlanta to be there! She even managed to get Dani a nice gift from KH (with Holly's help). Thanks, Holly. ;)

The birthday girl did wear a tiara all night, to make sure she was easily identifiable to the masses. (don't we look cute?) :)

Dinner was verrrry yummy (and fast! entrees in under ten minutes!). Most of us vowed to return to the Village Bistro immediately - although I don't know if I'll make it back there before I leave on Monday. Poor Pete was the only guy at the table, but he was ok with it -- until we started talking about our mothers giving birth to us and other 'girly' topics... he was so traumatized by the end that he started re-folding the wrapping paper that Dani was neatly removing from her gifts. (Here's Dani unwrapping on the right, Pete folding on the left)

Then we migrated North (or is it West?) to the Four Courts in Courthouse to meet up with the rest of the crew. Dani's roommate Mairead (how do you pronounce that again?) tends bar at the Courts so she begrudgingly provided some "Irish Car Bombs" (a shot of Bailey's dropped into 2/3 glass of Guinness). Blech! These were followed a short time later by shots of Tequila. Before you start thinking that I'm a lush, please know that I participated in NEITHER of these. I stood by and took pictures. ;) Stick and Dani were gearing up to go to the lake cabin with a bunch of ruffians for New Year's, so this was good practice. We were all enjoying the stories they were telling about last year's trip, and can't wait to hear what craziness awaits -- vegetable oil, a blue tarp and some spatulas? or how about a headbut to the groin, protected by the "im-Parv-anator"? there's video of that one! Really, you really don't want to know.

How did Stick get the Tiara? Anyway, here's the tequila shot in progress. :)
I can't tell you how the evening ended... the smoky bar and my sore throat combined made me decide to leave just after 11... I'll need to get an update from the girls.


Anonymous said…
The night ended with a long weekend of debauchery! Good times!! I think there was another car bomb after you left. There was definitely McD's the next morning to ward off the hangover, and then there were 3 days of silly silly things. We'll post about them soon.
Anonymous said…
Nice summary! Great to see you! I left when you did so I'm in need of updates, too. A video!?
Anonymous said…
Now, now - things weren't THAT bad. And Stick was really the car bomb queen, the tequila was Holly's fault, and I was simply obliged to do birthday shots when I was told. You know you have no free will on your birthday.

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