Yes, we're Skyrocket groupies

Last night Skyrocket played again, this time up at Hanover's in Pflugerville. (and yes, I say Puh-flugerville every time I say it, just because it's funny.) :)

The bar was smoky, which was a shock - I haven't been in a place full of smokers since... 2006, I think - but at least it was indoors, so we didn't sweat to death unless we were actually dancing. The dance floor was small, but we didn't care! We took over the spot in front of the band, which also meant that Rebeka caught the eye of the lead singer, whether she liked it or not. They played a good run of 70's classics, and some great 80's tunes - everything from KISS' "Rock n Roll All Night" to Tom Jones' "She's a Lady" to Carly Simon's "You're So Vain" to the Clash's "Rock the Casbah." And we stayed for all three sets, so by the time we got out of there, it was 1am.

Apparently it was also "Miller Chill" night... These two girls (I swear, barely old enough to drink) showed up in matching lime green dresses, and proceeded to bring little taster cups of Miller Chill (the beer with lime and salt in it) around to the crowd. BLECH. I was not impressed. Although it was nice to learn that I didn't like it with a free taster, rather than having to pay for a bottle of it and then discover how icky it is. ;) [It's like Diet Coke with lime - if I want the lime squeezed into it, I'll put it in; please don't do it for me. Pre-"flavoring" is a tricky proposition. And DC with lime is awful! But I digress. ]

Only took a few photos, which can be seen here.

We ended our evening at Whataburger. All that dancing burns a lot of calories -- and that's not counting all of the ones I burned with the trainer beforehand! I hadn't been to Whataburger yet, and I have to say, I wasn't missing much. The burger was ok, but the fries were awful. Fortunately, the company made it all worthwhile. :)

Looks like Skyrocket is at Cedar Street again at the end of the month! Woo hoo!


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