Adam & Eve and the T-Rex
(That'd make a fun bedtime story, wouldn't it?) Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you the latest assault on reason: The Creation Museum , in Petersburg, Ky. Cost: $27M. [I will not link to it directly... you can go find it on your own.] has a great article about the museum, which was built by a non-profit organization called Answers in Genesis -- to "undo the damage done 82 years ago when Clarence Darrow put William Jennings Bryan on the stand in the famous Scopes trial in Dayton, Tenn." ( Inherit the Wind is one of my favorite books! My brother is named after one of the protagonists...) Undo the damage? These are the same people that want to teach about the Bible in public (state-funded) schools -- that would certainly "undo the damage," if it weren't for this little thing called the CONSTITUTION!! Separation of church and state? Hello? Ahem. And apparently, until Adam took a bite of the forbidden fruit, all of the animals were vegetarians! One...