Feeding the masses

Today, in the "news that's not really news" department ... maybe I'm glad I'm not going to Denver for the Democratic Convention?

Apparently there are strict food laws in place for what will be served to the delegates. Some of them, like the organic requirement, I fully appreciate. The made-in-Colorado thing is just a way to shore up the state's economy, what with thousands of hungry delegates descending on the mile high city. But really, what's a good party without beer and wings and cheese fries? and how are you going to bring southerners and not serve fried chicken or biscuits?

The convention host committee denies that there's a ban on fried foods. But ABCNews.com obtained a copy of the catering proposals, including an odd one that specifies how many and which colors of food are supposed to appear on a plate.

Here are some of the requirements:

- No items are to be fried.
- Preference is to be given to vendors with "green" practices.
- At least half the meal must consist of fruits and/or vegetables.
- Meals be colorful, including at least three of the following colors: red, green, yellow, blue/purple, and white. (Garnishes don't count.)
- Seventy percent or more of ingredients must be certified organic and/or grown in Colorado, by precooked weight.
- Seventy percent or more of ingredients must be fresh and not pre-processed, by pre-cooked weight.

Healthy, yes, and Bravo! Big umbrella, inclusive of all of our nation's peeps? Not so much.


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