my first brisket
Passover is coming. I'm going to be making a brisket for Seder, so I thought I should practice making it once, just in case. I bought a small 1.5lb brisket and cut off the fat, and made it with garlic, broth, thyme and tarragon. It isn't falling apart like mom's did, but it's very tasty, and now I know what to do!
This is Gary from
I'm emailing you today because we just published an article on Pillbugs.
Did you know Pillbugs are actually distant relatives of shrimp, crabs, and lobsters?
I noticed you included
in your post here:
Our article: Pillbugs - Are Roly Poly Bugs a Problem in the Garden?
... might make a nice addition and resource to your page. What do you think?
Review the article at:
If you have any suggestions to improve the article please let me know.
All The Best,