
Showing posts from October, 2008

Happy Halloween!

From Batgirl, Little Orphan Annie, and ... Atesha in Halloween garb. ;)

I Voted!

and here's a little PSA to remind the Democrats not to be complacent. If you can vote early, go do it! Make sure you vote, and if you can, volunteer next Tuesday.

If I lived in California, I'd vote NO on Prop 8

And if *you* live in California, please vote NO on Prop 8. Here's an eloquent and humorous post from Beth (pasted below). ( here I go on my soapbox*... ) The government (federal or state) should not be able to legislate what a marriage is -- if two people love each other, they should be able to get married. Period. And visit each other in the hospital. And get health care benefits. And all of the other things that "traditional" married couples do. And while I don't necessarily believe that this "slippery slope" will lead to anything like the Holocaust, I do believe that ANY kind of discrimination against ANYONE, because of their race, religion, gender, sexual preference, or ANYTHING, is absolutely wrong. (ok, soapbox over) read on: I am asking every American who has a gay child, parent, sibling, cousin or friend to read this through to the end. It is my plea. When Merideth and I exchanged vows seven years ago (on October 20), we asked Merideth’s si...

Pink landmarks for BC Awareness

Laura Bush made the White House pink . Elizabeth Hurley was on hand ( and popping out of her dress ) to light up the Tower of London in pink . Why, you ask? Estee Lauder has sponsored the Global Landmarks Illumination Initiative since 2000. They've been able to illuminate ( 'pinkify' is my new word ) an amazing array of world landmarks. The whole list for 2008 has yet to be released, but they have made a good start with the White House and the Tower, I'd say. Images from past years (and the White House) in this slideshow ... we won't discuss what the photo from Jerusalem sorta resembles... I'm arranging " Passionately Pink for the Cure " Day at my office on Friday... as long as some people would be dressing up for Halloween anyway, I'm going to put it to a good cause! I'm asking everyone to wear pink, and donate $5 to Susan G. Komen for the Cure. It worked last year - we raised over $200! Are you doing your part to raise Breast Cancer Awa...

Sarah Palin, take note:

"'Tis better to be silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt." -- Abraham Lincoln And just so y'all know, those contributions to Planned Parenthood "in honor of Sarah Palin" have now topped $1 million! now, GO VOTE! And let's change the direction of this country as soon as possible! :)

Another Obama video

... and it comes with some spectacular music!

AFL-CIO speech for Obama

Richard Trumka of the AFL-CIO makes the case for Obama. (snagged from the Daily Dish ) -- this is how this country is going to change. Can't wait to see the debate tonight!