Carbon Leaf is Cool! :)

Dani and I spent a few hours last night at the venerable 9:30 club (only my second trip there, but her third in a year) to see the Carbon Leaf "Winter acoustics" tour. I [heart] Carbon Leaf. They're so cool. I saw them on a morning show in the airport when I was on my way out of Birmingham, AL last summer, and I've been hooked on them ever since! :)

This was the only show I've heard of where they put chairs down at 9:30... they generally make you stand up for the concert(s). So it was very intimate with us all sitting there, more like a VH1 Storytellers or something.

The first five songs were brand new - they were mostly about the band's trips back and forth across the US while touring for the past two years. They were... interesting. There was a very country-western-y song (that made some of us want to go Yeee-ha!), a song about Native Americans (which was very good) and a nice love song called "unknown bride." Here's hoping they put these on an album in the near future.

Then they played most of the songs off Indian Summer, so we all sang along. And towards the end, we were treated with some Xmas carols (Greensleeves, and a nice 4-part harmony about... death.) I could have done without the Jesus-pushing, but I survived. The drunk birthday boy in the white shirt was much more annoying. I should have thrown my water bottle at his head!

The almost-last song was called "The War was in Color" - about soldiers in WWII. It was a good song, but it was sort of a buzz-kill. But all in all, a great night. I'd like to see them in a regular concert setting, playing more of the other songs I know.

I can't say whether this concert was better than Melyssa-with-a-Y: Depeche Mode!'>Depeche Mode last week, they were ... different. Both were tons of fun. :)


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