Baby Brother's Gone Away...

... to Australia!

Actually, he lands in about 20 minutes in Sydney... that'll be 9:15am on Friday morning, Australia time. They're on Daylight Savings, so they're 16 hours ahead. Weird, huh? He missed Thursday altogether. (I guess he didn't miss much.)

He was really nervous right before he left, but I think anybody would have jitters like that. He has some people to stay with, and has signed up with an organization called BUNAC that might be able to help him find a job... We'll know when he sends us an email (or calls, but that's expensive!) that he has arrived.

In the meantime, I hope he has a good time! It's already 90 degrees down there, while we're sitting here waiting for 3-6" of snow. Not fair.


Anonymous said…
Yes, but as usual, 3-5" of snow in DC is an inch and a half in reality. Hope baby bro landed safe and sound!

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