Happy Birthday Dani!

If it's between Xmas and New Year's, it must be time for Dani's birthday! Last night we started with dinner at Rockland's. They don't do the babyback ribs so much in Austin, so I was craving them, and Rocklands' ribs are excellent! (There was a minor delay when I started to drive to the wrong location, not realizing that Rockland's had moved... but fortunately Dani didn't let me get too far off course.) :)

After Elizabeth made a mess with the ribs, we went to Carpool to meet up with the rest of the crew. We even managed to get 4/5 of "Clueless in Clarendon" back together -- we missed you, Joanie! -- and did some excellent drunken singalongs. The bar had one tv tuned to NBC's "Singing Bee," and once that ended, they played a nice selection of our favorite 80's songs. (Don't Stop Believin'!)

Here's how Dani felt about the fact that we were celebrating her birthday:

But this mood was lightened considerably (and Dani's voice went up an octave) approximately every half hour, when she was strong-armed into doing birthday shots! There was tequila, a Jaegermeister bomb, more tequila... and I'm sure at least one or two more after that, but I didn't hang around to witness the craziness.

Happy Birthday, you crazy girl! Happy New Year! Enjoy your weekend jammie-fest!


Anonymous said…
hee hee and you got her to wear the hat! LOL
Anonymous said…
You had to go with THAT picture, eh? I did break the birthday tiara by the end of the night. Le sigh. The shots were, in order, tequila, jagerbomb, car bomb, & a kamikaze, and I lived to tell the tale. Thanks for coming out to celebrate with me.

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