Breakfast for Dinner - a success!
Fifteen people showed up at my house last night -- FIFTEEN! I don't think I've ever had that many people here at once. It got a little warm, but it worked out ok. 
Once Jay and I had the requisite conversation about how small my TV is, we moved on to more important things -- namely, breakfast! We had french toast, pancakes, omelets made to order (Paul sweated over the stove for 2 hours, but he made damn good omelets!), cheesy-ham-and-bacon-casserole, parmesan tomato tartlets, bacon crackers, pigs in blankets, fruit salad, bacon and sausage, and of course, Krispy Kremes. Now that I think of it, I never did manage to make any coffee, but we had Kir Royales and Greyhounds and Mimosas... I don't think anyone missed the coffee. ;)
Then we watched The Breakfast Club, which is among the long list of movies that Paul has never seen. (Of course, he's gonna have to watch it again, because he fell asleep with about 30 minutes to go...) I don't know how many times I've seen it, but there I was reciting the lines..."demented and sad, but social." I love that movie. :)
Did I mention how much food we had? When it was all said and done, I had a little bit of casserole left, some pigs in blankets, some fruit, and half of the donuts. And a mountain of eggs! What am I gonna do with all these eggs?!I am so grateful to Rebeka and Atesha for their clean-up efforts, it made my job much easier when everyone was gone.
Maybe I need to have another party... hey. Oscar night will be here soon! :)

Once Jay and I had the requisite conversation about how small my TV is, we moved on to more important things -- namely, breakfast! We had french toast, pancakes, omelets made to order (Paul sweated over the stove for 2 hours, but he made damn good omelets!), cheesy-ham-and-bacon-casserole, parmesan tomato tartlets, bacon crackers, pigs in blankets, fruit salad, bacon and sausage, and of course, Krispy Kremes. Now that I think of it, I never did manage to make any coffee, but we had Kir Royales and Greyhounds and Mimosas... I don't think anyone missed the coffee. ;)
Then we watched The Breakfast Club, which is among the long list of movies that Paul has never seen. (Of course, he's gonna have to watch it again, because he fell asleep with about 30 minutes to go...) I don't know how many times I've seen it, but there I was reciting the lines..."demented and sad, but social." I love that movie. :)
Did I mention how much food we had? When it was all said and done, I had a little bit of casserole left, some pigs in blankets, some fruit, and half of the donuts. And a mountain of eggs! What am I gonna do with all these eggs?!I am so grateful to Rebeka and Atesha for their clean-up efforts, it made my job much easier when everyone was gone.
Maybe I need to have another party... hey. Oscar night will be here soon! :)