... now the fun starts...

Here are a few pics of the place with my stuff in it... the living room here is much larger than my Arlington living room was, so I'm going to have to decide what to do with the extra space. (of course, in my old place, the living room also housed the dining room and the office... and all of those are now in separate rooms!)

There's also a few feet of empty space to the left of the sofa, which you can't see in this photo. Must buy bookcases!!

and, here's the bedroom. Since this photo was taken, I actually managed to empty out all but two of these boxes (or, um... moved one or two of them to the other bedroom so they were out of the way), and set up the stereo on top of the little dresser. (Can't unpack without music!)

It's pretty much pitch black in the apartment when all the lights are out - my windows don't face the street except in the kitchen, or when they do they're covered by trees or overhang. I think I might have to get an unobtrusive night light so I can find the bathroom! (that was the bonus of Randall's bathroom - the skylight was very helpful in the middle of the night) :)

I've now started a list of "things to find" in the remaining boxes -- ice cube trays, the little packet of picture-hanging materials, travel coffee mugs (now that the pod coffee machine has arrived - YUM!) ... I'm sure I'm forgetting something.

I will have no Internet access all weekend -- I checked, and there's one wireless connection in the neighborhood; unfortunately, it's WEP-keyed -- so by the time I post next week, there should be a LOT more done in the house! :) Anybody who feels like calling me this weekend... please call my cell! I'm sure I'll need a break!


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