... and not a drop to drink

Wouldn't you know it, we finally get some rain in Austin (and I mean RAIN... it was pouring when I woke up this morning!) and in the midst of the deluge, there's no water coming from the taps in my house. hunh? Chalk up another new experience - calling the utility company to see what the hell is going on! Turns out there was a water main break between my house and the house next door. D'oh! The utility guy stopped by as I was eating breakfast and promised that the water would be fixed by the time I got home tonight. We'll see how that goes.

In the meantime, I have "Aqua Jog Challenge" at the gym tonight, so at least I'll get in a shower there if I can't have one at home. ;)

Things I never saw from my kitchen window in VA: (well, ok, my kitchen didn't actually have a window) a family of deer - a mom and 2 does - trotted by while I was making dinner last night. :) Wasn't fast enough on the camera to get a pic, although I suspect opening the back door would have just scared them away anyhow.


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