It's been one of those days

This entire day had good news/bad news written all over it.

The good news was, I had organized my bathroom, bedroom and kitchen enough to be able to find everything I needed when I was getting ready for work, and I made it there in no time. The bad news was, I left the A/C at 76 degrees (instead of it going up to its balmy 82-degree setting for daytime when I'm not here). If I keep that up, it's gonna be an expensive electric bill. :(

The good news is, I found the Wonder Woman calendar, which I'd been searching for all weekend! It was in the very last box we packed in Arlington, where I stuck the few random things that hadn't fit anywhere else: my MBA diploma, a picture frame, and my ice cube trays -- which I already replaced, but more ice isn't a bad thing when it's 100 degrees outside! The bad news is, as I was putting away the scissors, I cut a hole in my shirt! My blue Superman shirt that I got from the now defunct Warner Bros store many years ago! :(

The good news is, I am blogging from home, which means that the cable guy was here and installed the cable modem, the phone line and the DVR! The bad news is, the DVR box was faulty and he didn't have an extra one in the truck, so he has to come back tomorrow morning and give me a new one. UGH. At least I have basic cable coming in now.

And now the generally positive news. Here are a few more pictures from my busy weekend of unpacking and cleaning up.

My bedroom now has curtains and a full bookcase in the corner. :) As it turns out, I don't really need the dark curtains as much as I did in VA because the backyard tends to be very dark at night, and the sun comes up on the other side of the house. But, they look pretty, don't they? I bought sheets in almost exactly the same shade of deep red - mostly accidentally. ;) And thanks to mom & dad for the lovely patriotic quilt.

I also thought you should see how nicely my washer and dryer fit into their little closet home. I even did a load of laundry on Saturday! The washing machine isn't particularly quiet, but it doesn't try to walk across the floor the way Randall's does! heh.
And finally, (last week when I was trying to figure out what day I should put the garbage out) I learned that in Austin, when you recycle cardboard boxes, you have to cut them down to 2' x 2' square and tie them up with twine. UGH. Have you seen the number of boxes I brought with me? Between the 100 or so boxes and the massive quantities of newspaper, the recycling people are going to loooooove me! This is the result of tonight's effort at bundling cardboard and bagging newspaper. Plenty more to do before Friday morning when they pick up. And don't even get me started on all the garbage! (four bags and counting)


Just Me said…
Can't wait to see the new digs! I can't imagine you bought deep red's not like it's one of your colors or anything.

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