Saturday meme

Meme Stolen from Stick:

I've come to realize that my last kiss was… lovely, but possibly not with the man of my dreams. Ah well, he's out there somewhere.

I am listening to… Large Texas bugs (okay, saying "large" and "Texas" is probably redundant) smacking into my living room window as they try to "go towards the light."

I talk… a lot! ha ha. I talk to Dani and Rebeka and my mom every day.

I love… my family, my job (yes, really!) and my friends. And I love Austin!

My best friends… help me keep my sanity, more than they could ever know.

My car… makes me smile. It's gone just over 8,300 miles since I left DC last year. I think I'll reset the trip odometer next week when we get to the one year mark.

My love life… is a little roller coaster-ish right now, but I'm expecting that to improve.

I hate it when people ask… if I'm glad I moved. Yes, I love it here, and I'm glad I left DC. Yes, I still miss my friends, but I'm busy making new ones as fast as I can!

I want to… make my family proud. I also want to travel around the world, drive across the country, and find someone fun to do all of those things with.

Marriage is… going to be great when it happens. I'll get there someday.

Somewhere, someone is thinking… about me the same way I am thinking about him.

I'm always… thinking about what’s next.

I have a secret crush on… (had) a crush on someone for 10 years, but I gave that up when he got married. Now I have sort of a crush on a guy at work, but I don't think he has a clue.

I am not... always as open-minded as I would like to be.

My cell phone… is RED, and I love it, but it won't let me set more than one ringtone! Very annoying.

When I wake up in the morning… I lie there for an extra half hour, trying to make myself get out of bed.

Before I go to bed I… wash my hands, put lip stuff on my lips, and do a sudoku puzzle.

Right now I am thinking about… all of the knitting projects I would like to do before Xmas/Chanuka.

Babies (kids) are… wonderful, and my friends (and my brother & sister-in-law) have the cutest ones ever -- at least until I have one of my own (someday).

I get on MySpace… never.

Last night I... went to the gym, came home and ate some of my excellent shrimp with mango and basil, and watched bad movies.

Today I… watched Wimbledon (yay Venus!), went to my knitting meetup, ran some errands, and worked on an article about flasher buttons. Big excitement.

Tonight I will… probably go to sleep early. The crazy weather is making my sinuses unhappy.

Tomorrow I will… go to the gym. After that, who knows?

I really want to… lose weight so I look better in my clothes.

Someone who will most likely repost this… I won't hold my breath. This one isn't as compelling as some of the others have been, but I didn't have anything else to write about today!


Marcia said…
I like this one ... I am going to steal it for my very own. :)

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