"no adult supervision"

There was a great piece in the Sunday WaPo on our illustrious President and his lack of concern for how badly things are going in his administration. He lives in his own little dream world, defined by good vs. evil, America vs. the rest of the world, and his mandate from G-d... nothing gets through! My favorite quote, from a Republican lawmaker:
Beyond Gonzales, the discontent with the Bush presidency is broader and deeper among Republican lawmakers, some of whom seethe with anger. "Our members just wish this thing would be over," said a senior House Republican who met with Bush recently. "People are tired of him." Bush's circle remains sealed tight, the lawmaker said. "There's nobody there who can stand up to him and tell him, 'Mr. President, you've got to do this. You're wrong on this.' There's no adult supervision. It's like he's oblivious. Maybe that's a defense mechanism."

So between a VP who thinks he's G-d, and a Prez who thinks he gets his mandate from G-d (come to think of it, Deadeye Dick does have a really deep voice...), I ask you: Can't we just impeach them both and get it over with?


Anonymous said…
Sadly, I don't think that's going to happen.

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