"Who, Me?"

Yes, it's been a while since I posted anything. Like a lot of my yarn-obsessed friends, I got sucked into Ravelry for a few days... and that was after four relatively relaxed days in DC, during which I walked at least 5 miles before 11am on Saturday (Racing for the Cure!); ate Tex-Mex at Austin Grill, dim sum at Fortune, crab cakes (and the most amazing biscuits) at Acadiana and mezze at Lebanese Taverna; wondered how I could ever have withstood the dust in the family basement for so many years; and finally got to see Tai Shan, the baby panda at the National Zoo (who is nearly 2, and will be shipped back to China soon!). Phew! Good thing I got all of that out of the way, because I don't know when I'll be getting back to town for a while.
[I was going to post a panda picture, but I can't figure out where I uploaded them. Maybe later.]

In today's news, another case of "I wish I were making this up":

The WaPo and BBCNews are reporting that a watchdog group learned that the Pentagon's Non-Lethal Weapons Directorate was researching (really odd) biological weapons to use against our enemies ... one that would "provoke widespread homosexual behaviour among troops," and another, a "Who? Me?" bomb, which would simulate flatulence in enemy ranks.


allyn fratkin said…
wait. you leave austin to fly to dc and then you eat at a place called austin grill? isn't that silly?

approximately the same as being from california and eating at california grill at disney world, i guess.

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