Strange Bedfellows, indeed

*Sigh* The Supreme Court deals another blow to free speech today, ruling in favor of the school principal who suspended a student who held up a banner that said "Bong Hits 4 Jesus" as the Olympic torch passed through Juneau, Alaska. Free speech, if you're in school, is apparently only partially free. Oh well. (Ok, so the phrase *could* be construed as pro-drug-use... it wasn't what I would call disruptive or lewd. Lighten up, people!)

What makes this case more interesting is that Republican conservative groups allied themselves with the kid, because they didn't want to see the court take away their right to protest things like homosexuality and abortion. So there you have it: Republicans admitting that Free Speech is actually useful!

But, in a case that redeems my faith in the justice system, the DC Superior Court ruled against a judge (A JUDGE!) who was suing a dry cleaner for $54M over a pair of lost pants. Yes, you read that correctly, he sued the dry cleaner for FIFTY FOUR MILLION DOLLARS because a) they lost his suit pants, and b) they didn't follow through on their guarantee of "Satisfaction Guaranteed." (oh, and they tried to give him back a pair of pants with cuffs on them. Cuffs! What a travesty!) Puh-leeze. He said he was suing the dry cleaner for the public good, so other Washingtonians wouldn't be "fooled" by such guarantees. Fortunately, the judge who heard this case had a lot more sense than the plaintiff. :) In fact, the plaintiff might have to pay the dry cleaners legal fees! Justice is served.


SpinalCat said…
The court's recent decisions make me want to vomit with rage.
(In case you were wondering.)

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