A geek many times over

Yes, I am a geek. I know this, and I freely admit it. But sometimes it is more blindingly obvious than other times. And my geekiness spans a wide array of topics.

Today, for example. I learned how to log in to our supercomputer at work, so I can have an idea of how many jobs we run at any given time, and how many processors each job is using. It's an interesting data point, which may be useful when I go out and talk to people. But mostly I just thought it was really cool! I sometimes wish I had taken more computer science courses in college, but then I probably wouldn't have been able to spend a semester in Spain.

Then, I went and logged in to Fantasy Congress. (MZ pointed me to this site, knowing full well that I'd get hooked!) My team ("Austin Rocks") is the #1 team in the Texas league. You will notice that I have picked a lot of Dems. All but one, actually. Vern Ehlers is my one Republican team member, and he's a big champion of Science, so he gets a pass. :)

I'm sure there are other geeky things going on in my life right now, but I can't think of anything to add right here. If the peanut gallery would like to comment...


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