I don't know about you, but I'm exhausted!

I know I've said this before, but I feel like I need a weekend to recover from my weekend!

Friday night we went to the Nats game... and they WON! :) Having been to the longest game ever with Jen on Wednesday night (Nats lost to the Marlins 6-5, but it wasn't over until 11pm), it was nice to go to a relatively quick game, win 6-0, and still be home by 10:30. Oh, that sounds bad. Yes, I'm old. This was the first time I got to sit in my 1/4-season-tickets seats, and they're pretty darn good -- just past the first base line in the lower section of the upper deck (408, if you're looking at the stadium map). Next game I get is Memorial Day Saturday. :)

But it was so damn hot in my apartment (over 85 degrees) that I didn't sleep well at all, so Saturday seemed way too long from the start. To be fair, though, the day was much longer for Dani, who went to the Maryland Sheep & Wool Festival for the first time. I'm sorry I missed it, I'll have to go next year!! (better start saving up money now...)

My favorite class at the gym is the noon spinning class on Saturdays. The teacher is really great -- she's probably all of 22 years old, she goes to GW -- but she knows all about the physiology of exercise, what it's doing to your heart and your muscles, and she plays pretty good music. We didn't have class last week - they told us her car had been broken into. Turns out some drunken idiot was *walking across the tops of cars* and fell through her windshield!! Her car was parked a block from GW hospital, so you'd think the guy might have stumbled in there, bleeding or whatever. Scary. (More evidence to support my long-held belief that People Are Stupid.)

After spinning, I rushed over to Potomac to the pre-wedding open house. I just barely caught the guys from high school as they were leaving, and got to meet adorable little Noah G. for a few seconds (since he wasn't coming to the ceremony the next day). Apparently when he's not in his carseat, he's a "whirling dervish"... all I saw was a cute little boy sitting quietly waiting to go home for his nap. heh. I'll have to go to NYC and see him in his element.

Ran from there to the Peabody's to pick up my race t-shirt and bib for the Race for Hope. Our team raised $14,000! Amazing. Scooted from there to meet Amy and mom and shop for a bit at Tyson's -- we got Amy a dress for her graduation next weekend (Master's in Communications from AU! Go Amy!!) -- I am the best personal shopper for everyone else... too bad I can't do it for myself! Then I came home. I was exhausted. and had to go to sleep early, because Sunday was Race day!

The race started at 8:30am on Sunday. Amy and I finished the 5K in a respectable time, just under an hour. I think I did about the same last year - it was nice to have someone to talk to this time! I came in 834th overall in the women... we ate our popsicles, drank some water, and went home. I was napping on the sofa by 10:30am! It was exhausting. and I had to save up my energy for the wedding.

Photos and blog from the wedding will be posted tomorrow. I'm too damn tired to do it now. ;)


Just Me said…
Glad the race and the the Nats game went well. And, well, you're well away as to how I feel about stupid people. Vote 'em off the island!

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