Defending our title...

Clueless in Clarendon (with a slightly different crew) won again on Tuesday night! The photo round was the hardest yet... it was close-up pictures of animals. We thought the pheasant was a goldfish! And the music round... Patrick went for harder rock this time - Alice Cooper, Billy Idol, and how could you not have U2 in an Irish pub?!

A smattering of the questions:
  • By what name is Lord Greystoke better known?
  • Omar Sharif holds international standing in what game?
  • Who was well-known for bending cutlery in the 1970's?
  • Name the 6 actors who have played James Bond (not including the new guy, Daniel Craig).
  • Where would you find the smallest bone in the body?
  • Who played 'Spartacus'?
  • Where were the 1908 and 1948 Olympics held?
  • Who played 'Bugsy' in the 1991 movie of the same name?
  • Who played the lead role in 'Taxi Driver'?
  • What is the official airline of the Republic of Ireland?
  • What is the longest running radio program in the US?
  • What was the first feature-length cartoon movie with color and sound?
  • Where were the 2004 Summer Olympics held?
  • What Beatles song is named for a street in Liverpool?
Elizabeth took the time to figure out what the first and last letters of the bottom row of the keyboard are (Z and M), and which of the seasons is longest (summer). We were thoroughly stumped by the radio show question (answer below), and one that I have just now learned we completely mis-heard: What did John Logie Baird invent? (we heard "John Yogi Bear"!!) The answer was television, although I'm not sure everyone agrees. One of the teams said the sleeping bag! (we were all thinking Hanna-Barbera, of course... ) E's brother Nick was there to help out, but I think I like having the team of just girls.

  • Tarzan
  • Bridge
  • Uri Geller
  • David Niven, George Lazenby, Roger Moore, Sean Connery, Timothy Dalton and Pierce Brosnan
  • The ear
  • Kirk Douglas
  • London
  • Warren Beatty
  • Robert DeNiro
  • Aer Lingus
  • The Grand Ole Opry (nobody got this one!)
  • Snow White
  • Athens
  • Penny Lane
Can Clueless in Clarendon go 3-for-3? Find out next Tuesday!


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