Trojans drafted...

Yesterday was the NFL draft. After much anticipation, Reggie Bush was picked 2nd, and went to the New Orleans Saints. Matt Leinart was picked 10th, to go to the Arizona Cardinals. (At least he won't have to move very far!) The big news story of the day, of course, was this whole mess with Reggie's parents... ugh! Enough already! Vince Young went to the Tennessee Titans. There was a big hullaballoo to keep him in Texas, but the apparently the Houston Texans didn't need a QB. They took Mario Williams with their first round pick.

That's enough football blather. ;) Big excitement this weekend - The Kid made it home from Sydney! He has at various times been at casa Fratkin, at least long enough to borrow the car (until he gets his own back tomorrow)... we've been promised an appearance at dinner tonight, but who knows. ;)

In the meantime, mom got hurt AGAIN last week. She tripped over a cable last week and broke her two small toes on the right foot. The doctor put her in a boot! And this on the weekend that they were going to Montreal. Apparently everything was fine until somebody standing in front of her stepped backwards onto her foot! OUCH! Poor mom.

And you'll notice the newest addition to my blog, the G.W. Bush countdown clock ----> I love it!


Just Me said…
Clearly the 'rents just shouldn't be permitted to leave the country, at least not without bumping up their insurance coverage.

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