Dancing in the aisles

I don't like to go to the supermarket by myself. Not because I am afraid I will be hit on by random guys (that might actually be nice), or because I don't like going out alone at night... it's more because going by myself is NO FUN! So as often as possible, I take Dani with me. What could be more fun than that?!?

Here are the things that invariably happen when we go to "the Teeter":
  1. We sing along to the music in the store. It's not MUZAK, it's the actual songs, and it's usually stuff we like. (...and generally there is some dancing involved as well.)
  2. There's a lot of giggling. Whether it has to do with the music or something in the produce department or even the "EZ-Squirt" ketchup, well, that's anybody's guess. Sometimes I feel bad for the other people who end up down one of the aisles with us. They probably think we're nuts. [no comments from the peanut gallery, please. no pun intended.]
  3. On the way home, the carton of eggs must be held carefully on Dani's lap. Because invariably, some idiot will come out of nowhere and cause me to hit the brakes - HARD - and, as D. said last night, "it's not a shopping trip unless my stuff ends up on the floor of the back seat!" And last night, we had almost made it to her house -- I was so proud of myself that I was driving gently -- and boom! out pops the nose of a car into my lane, I had to slam on the brakes, and all of D's groceries were on the floor. (well, on top of the ones that she had already placed on the floor...). Never fails.

It probably doesn't sound like as much fun as it actually is... (you'd have to be there) but we do tend to giggle our way through life most of the time anyway. Just about anything will set us off. Last night, we were in the Organic Foods section. I applaud HT for providing so much organic produce, but sometimes I wonder...

(The picture quality isn't the best, but my camera phone was the best I could do.) Organic Honeydew melons? They look pretty small to me. heh. I can't take credit for noticing them, D is much quicker at that than I.

So if you're walking through Harris Teeter in Arlington one night (late, we have to eat dinner before going food shopping) and you happen to hear two women cackling with laughter, it's probably US! :)


Just Me said…
I don't know what you're talking about.

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