Sing us a song, you're the piano man...

Must blog before bed. IT WAS AWESOME. Seriously.... I just love going to see Billy. He's so much fun to watch in concert. He always seems like he's having fun up there! I only wish I had splurged and gotten tickets a little bit closer to the stage and a little bit less in the nosebleed section.... cuz really, who knows when or if he'll come back around? (well, ok, he'll be back in DC in April, but that's sold out already...)

But I digress.

Mom and I had a blast. She was singing along! We got 25 Billy Joel songs, an AC/DC song (sung by a roadie!) and a lot of entertainment. :)

  • Angry Young Man
  • My Life
  • Everybody Loves You Now (from Cold Spring Harbor, a real blast from the past)
  • The Entertainer
  • New York State of Mind
  • Downeaster Alexa
  • Zanzibar (from 52nd Street, probably the least known song on that album)
  • Allentown
  • Don't Ask Me Why
  • Pressure
  • Goodnight Saigon*
  • Movin' Out
  • Innocent Man **
  • Always a Woman
  • Captain Jack
  • Keeping the Faith
  • River of Dreams
  • I go to Extremes ***
  • ## AC/DC interlude: Highway to Hell##
  • We Didn't Start the Fire
  • Big Shot
  • It's Still Rock 'n' Roll To Me
  • You May Be Right
  • Only the Good Die Young
  • Italian Restaurant
  • and of course, Piano Man.
The band has changed a bit... Crystal was still there (we loooove Crystal Taliaferro. She does everything - she plays maracas, sax, drums, tambourines, she sings, she dances... she's amazing!!), and Mark Rivera on sax, but our favorite drummer, Liberty Devitto, was nowhere to be found. Not that the new guy did poorly, mind you... he just wasn't Liberty. The new sax player was also incredibly talented. Don't recall his name.

Billy did spend a few minutes talking to the crowd, and he thanked those of us in the nosebleed seats for coming, cuz he needs the money -- his car insurance bill is exorbitant! ha ha ha

* The most heartwrenching part of the evening was 'Goodnight Saigon' -- at every show, Billy lines up a group of real Veterans to sing the chorus - "and we will all go down together..." at the back of the stage. These guys were from the war in Iraq. I cried. I think they got the biggest standing ovation of the night (until the encores).

** At the very end of Innocent Man, just before the light faded off of him, he mouthed the words "No I'm not" :) It was cute.

*** As always, when he played the riff towards the end of I Go To Extremes, he hopped down the piano keyboard on his butt. IN TUNE with the music. I love that part. It cracks me up. :)

When Dani and I go see Dave Matthews, she gets all giggly watching him on stage. Dave does goofy stuff, but I am never laughing as much as she is. But I recognized that giggle in myself tonight as I was watching Billy. :)

ok, it's late, and I have to rest up. Tomorrow night I'm being taken to dinner at Colvin Run (the website has a running water sound, beware!) and then I launch right into the button show on Saturday! ACK!


Just Me said…
Hey! I don't giggle that much! Okay, well, maybe a little, but it's Davey! I'm sorry Liberty wasn't there, but it sounds like you had a blast. Yay!

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