Getting Closer

...and YES, that is a Billy Joel song! Never previously released, it's on the My Lives CD set.
I doubt he'll play it TOMORROW NIGHT (yay! we're going tomorrow night!) but at least after this week I can use regular titles for my blog entries instead of song lyrics. I know you'll all be happy to hear that. ;)

ok, ok, I haven't blogged in weeks. Sorry about that. It's been a little bit busy around here! [Before you ask, the scarf isn't done, and I spent two hours the other night taking apart the purple sweater. Don't ask about that, either.]

I've been preparing for the APIC National Capital Chapter 7th Annual show, coming up this Saturday at Tyson's Corner. I've had to figure out who gets what tables, who sits next to whom... it's a headache. Particularly since my co-chair lives in Pennsylvania! But email is a wondeful thing. I'll just be really glad when it's over - don't call me on Sunday until at least 11am!

I have also started raising money for the Race for Hope. My friend and former-co-worker, Chris P., lost his daughter (14 mos old) to a brain tumor in early 2004. That was the first year we all participated in the Race for Hope, and Chris and his wife Lisa raised over $20,000 in about 10 days leading up to the race. It was amazing. This year I was the first non-family member to sign up for the "Peabody Tumor Trashers" team. :) It's the first of my two 5K's in the spring... one month later is the National Race for the Cure (Team Eye of the Tiger returns!). But you'll hear more about that later on.

My brother seems to be doing well in Australia... he's extending his trip so he can go see the Great Barrier Reef and some of the other stuff in the nothern territory. He took some amazing pictures on his last trip down the coastal road to Melbourne. He almost got to see U2 in concert in Melbourne, but apparently they cancelled some tour dates. Anyway, here's one of his pics - I love this one.

Jen and I have tickets to 10 games of the Washington Nationals this summer, including opening day! (Why do they do these things on Wednesdays at 1pm? Really. Jen will have an "appointment" that day.) heh We also managed to get three games over July 4th weekend... all Florida teams. (Devil Rays & Marlins)

Lesseeeee, what else have I been up to? I made a Cooking Light recipe for shrimp skewers on rosemary sprigs. That's one of those things that I will have to keep in my repertoire in case I have to make a fancy dinner for someone. It was delicious, and beautiful, too! I also made avocado-tomatillo salsa (the Jan/Feb issue of Cooking Light was full of yummy stuff! You might need to login to see the recipe. If you want it, I'll send it to you), which was very tasty. I probably should have bought some jalapenos to put in, since the recipe called for them, but I was afraid of the heat factor. Unfortunately, without the peppers, it was a little bland. Now I know for next time. (Bonus: the grocery clerk charged me for brussel sprouts ($1!) instead of tomatillos ($3.99/lb))

Dani is abandoning me this weekend to go hang with Stick and go to the Golden Corral 500 NASCAR race. Her driver (#48, Jimmie J!) has won this one before, so she's a tad bit excited. She had already packed her suitcase at 2:00 this afternoon! I hope they get good weather on race day. I might actually have to watch this one. heh


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