"Can I quote you?"

Bill Gates came and addressed our meeting yesterday, announcing that Microsoft is getting into the high performance computing "space." In the hallway, my friend Jill and I were approached by a reporter from the Seattle Post Intelligencer, who asked us some questions, and tape recorded our remarks. and then I forgot all about it.

Today was ridiculously busy, from a breakfast meeting at 8am to our panel session which didn't end til 7pm. On the way back to the hotel tonight (after the Cisco party at the EMP), I remembered that I should check the newspaper- and sure enough, he quoted me! http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/business/248491_gates16.html (read to the last three paragraphs)

I've been in the paper before, for my flasher collection, but never for something work-related. This is cool!

I didn't go to the Sheryl Crow party last night -- instead, Linux Networx had a party at Safeco Field (where the Mariners play). We got to go down into the visiting team's dugout and the field!! (We didn't get to go onto the *perfectly even* grass, just on the warning track around the edge) Dessert was served in the visitors locker room, and they had a pitching area, and they let us use the indoor batting cage. My pitches were lame -- I hadn't thrown any kind of ball that hard since high school -- I only hit the center of the target twice, at 30 and then 27 mph. ugh. I didn't bother with the batting.

So tonight I decided that as long as I had RSVPed, I might as well go to the Cisco party, even if I went alone. And I can now say that I've been to the EMP... I'm really glad I didn't pay the ticket price to see the museum. I'm not really a Hendrix or Dylan fan, although it was interesting to see their historical memorabilia and read about them. They also had a hip-hop exhibit, but I skipped that.

The coolest part was the big guitar sculpture that runs up the middle of the museum, and the area where visitors can learn to play guitar or keyboards or drums, do karaoke, or be in a "band" with other people. I went directly to the keyboards, and it made me wish I had one (again). Maybe I'll put that on my Chanuka list this year...

Pictures from Safeco and EMP will be posted soon. :)


Anonymous said…
Yay! Super fun! Yeah, I've never been quoted in the paper, just photographed. Err, I mean, my evil twin was.

I would just like to point out that I was in the middle of the Gulf o' Mexico/Caribbean and managed to update my blog more frequently than the girl in computer city, USA. LOL

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