Back to blogging

Someone pointed out to me last week that I hadn't been blogging in a while. It's true, I've gotten so addicted to Facebook that I post just about everything over there. But there's not enough room at FB to really delve into anything... I just post a link and make a little comment, and it's done.

So back to Blogger. And you'll notice I've changed the design of the page a bit... I'm going to keep playing with it until I find a design that I really like. Comments are welcome.

It's July. Half the year is over. Sometimes I really wonder where time goes. I know I go to work every day and get stuff done, and move forward... I just hope I'm making enough of a difference in the world.

We read "The Next Thing on My List" in book club last month (good choice, Maria!) and it got us all to think about what would be on our "lists" -- like a bucket list, only with a slightly shorter time line. The list below was modified from Cassie Boorn's list. She was interviewed on NPR last week about her project asking women to write letters to their 20-something selves, but she also has her own list of things to do before she turns 25. (oy, I'm old!) I called mine "50 Things to do Before I turn 50." heh. that gives me a little wiggle room. :) Some of the things on Cassie's list were good, and I kept them even though I could cross them out.

Here's my list:

1. Visit the Aquarium (Monterrey, Baltimore, Sydney... I love aquariums)

2. Dance in the rain

3. Ride in a hot air balloon

4. Buy a house

5. Visit all 50 states

6. Own a big girl camera

7. Spend a day at a winery

8. Tutor Someone

9. Host a dinner party

10. Go camping

11. Write a book…or maybe a nice article (hmmm, does blogging count?)

12. Learn to swim

13. Speak to a crowd

14. Build something (hello, IKEA)

15. Pay off my car

16. Plant something (that doesn't die...)

17. Take a road trip with friends

18. Try something I hate

19. Go to a movie alone

20. Wake up early and sit on my patio

21. Keep a journal

22. Take a risk

23. Visit 10 landmarks in Texas (or in the US... I still haven't been to many National Parks outside DC)

24. Teach someone something

25. Do yoga (without getting the giggles)

26. Make a soufflé

27. Make a large purchase without panicking

28. Be fearless

29. Write a poem

30. Meditate

31. Fall in love (hasn't happened recently)

32. Change a tire

33. Get married

34. Ride in a horse drawn carriage

35. Pay off my credit cards

36. Invest in something

37. Attend an outside concert

38. Catch a fish

39. Ride a motorcycle

40. Be content

41. Make my own ice cream

42. Read 100 books

43. Take a graphic design course

44. Watch all the movies on AFI's top 100 list

45. Run (or jog) a 5k (as opposed to just walking)

46. Ride an elephant

47. Go to Italy (also on the list: Greece, Ireland, Japan, Argentina, Brazil, New Zealand...)

48. Learn to speak Hebrew. (I can read it, but that's not enough.)

49. Take a cruise to Alaska

50. Take dancing lessons (swing, salsa, 2-step, etc.)

What's on your list?


Unknown said…
I would be happy to join you with (3) or (49), and could probably help with (20) or (30).
Dani said…
Don't forget the Georgia Aquarium! I think #40 may be the toughest to pull off.

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