and let us all say, Amen!

(I will post more about the trip to Mexico shortly. I'm waiting for the underwater cameras to be developed. When was the last time you had to wait for film developing?!?)

Anyway, on to the topic of my post.

George Coyne, an ordained Catholic priest and renowned astronomer, discussed intelligent design and evolution at a lecture Sept. 4 at the College of New Jersey (not to be confused with Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey, my alma mater)
He said although he believes in G-d, and believes G-d created the universe, he cannot believe in intelligent design as a scientist.

He personally encourages evolution to be taught in school, not intelligent design.

"You shouldn't talk about God in a science classroom," he said.

According to Coyne, it is the parents' duty to teach their child about G-d if they want, not the science teacher's responsibility.

He also said as a scientist, he cannot truly believe in the biblical explanation for the creation of the world.

"The Genesis stories are the most beautiful stories I've ever read. They're stories. Not science," Coyne said.
(emphasis mine)

Hurrrah! A Catholic priest who understands the difference between religion and science! Now, somebody go find Sarah Palin and make her listen!

[I haven't touched on the topic of Sarah Palin or the McCain campaign yet... I'm building a whole list of items to post about her/them, when I recover from the idiocy of it all.]


Anonymous said…

One of the big reasons I'm not blogging much is b/c most of what I have to say is VERY political, so I'm trying to refrain from Ranting about those IDIOTS! ahem.

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