Scallops and nectarines

Who would have thought? two of my favorite foods, and they're very good together. (Not quite as good as chocolate and peanut butter, but then, what is?) I saw this recipe on yesterday, and had most of the ingredients already, so I decided to make it.

Grilled Scallops and Nectarines with Corn and Tomato Salad

Ok, first off, I wish I were as good a food photographer as Deb over at smittenkitchen. But we'll just have to live with my imperfect camera skills. (and in this case, the quality of my camera-phone, which makes it even worse!)

Things I did differently -
1. In the move from DC to TX, I got rid of the stovetop grill pan, so the George Foreman grill was the only option. I nixed that, and used a big sautee pan.
2. I bought smaller bay scallops rather than sea scallops, which would have made it nearly impossible to grill anyway - hard to get those little suckers on skewers!
3. I didn't do the basil puree, but I did chiffonade some basil leaves and sprinkle them over the top. In retrospect, the puree would have been nice.
4. I thought it needed a little more greenery, so I laid everything over a bed of romaine. Voila - salad AND entree!

The verdict: very tasty. Glad there are leftovers!


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