Al's Back!

Oh, Al Gore, how I've missed you. Yes, yes, we are all on board with the Global Warming thing. But when I think about how different this country would be if the Supreme Court hadn't handed the election to Dubya in 2000... it makes me so sad.

So when I read that you were endorsing Obama, I thought, "Finally!" but I knew you'd be for him from the beginning. I mean, Bill Clinton was a great President, but not so good in terms of the lasting legacy that would have made you a shoo-in for POTUS. And very harsh with the burning of bridges and eliminating dissenters -- surprisingly similar to Dubya. So a great big ol' raspberry to the almost-co-Presidents.

HERE is the Al Gore that I know and love:
"After eight years of incompetence, neglect and failure, we need change," Gore said. "After eight years when our Constitution has been dishonored and disrespected, we need changes."
Where was this pit bull when we needed him?

[Note to the press, can we please get a better picture than this one? Al's double-chins are a little overpowering here.]

And for the record, I don't think Al should take the Vice Presidency if it's offered -- but then, I doubt they'll offer it to him. He might take a cabinet post. But then again, he might just keep doing his round-the-world rock star bit. :)


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