Legacy watch

(Sorry, it's turning into politics-all-the-time around here, huh?)

We all know that Dubya's last SOTU [hurrah!] was all about framing his legacy. [HA! What legacy? ahem. sorry.] Here's a nice post at 23/6 about his lame duck status and what he will try to take credit for in the coming years:
... he'll dedicate his last year in office to ending the unpopular war he started and turning around the economic recession that happened on his watch. He also laid the groundwork for taking all the credit should the next administration manage to balance the budget his administration unbalanced.
But I think my favorite part of this post has to be the graphic, mostly because it expresses the clear superiority of my favorite (faux) Democratic President, Jed Bartlet. :)


Da Paulie said…
Lloyd Doggett's reaction to the SOTU: 357 days and counting.

Yellow Dogs! Holla!

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