There are good bugs,

like the caterpillar I made for Kelly's baby shower:

I crocheted this one, but it's based on Kimberly Chapman's incredible knitted pattern.) I made up the pattern as I went along, trying to get it to look like hers. Turns out I chose the same numbers of stitches for each round (without reading hers first), so it's probably about the same size as the original, although I didn't have any bright orange, so it's one segment short! I wish I had noticed that her pattern called for a squeaky bit in the head and some bells in the tail, though. Oh well. I'm sure the baby will love it. I think the antennae and the smiley face are what make it so cute.

... and then there are the BAD bugs, like this little baby scorpion that appeared in my kitchen the other night, just as I was getting ready for bed. ACK! To be fair, he was only about 2" long, though this pic makes him look HUGE. Let me tell you, with my adrenaline kicking, it didn't matter how big he was! I stopped to snap a pic of him, and then I went and got the (floral-scented) RAID. He didn't like the RAID very much, but just for good measure, I went and got a big shoe (thanks again for those Merrills, Aunt Robin!) and smashed him a couple of times. But then I had to figure out how to pick up the dead body. I feel bad for wasting a whole wad of paper towels -- Robin said I should have used my kitchen tongs -- but I got him in the trash, and got the trash out ASAP.


Anonymous said…
I'm amazed you thought to snap a picture first; I would've been in extreme freakout mode. EEP!
Bud Fisher said…
Hi Melyssa-

Every week on our blog we steal a meme from someone. We call the feature "Stealing". One of our rules is to 'fess up to our theft. We stole a meme of yours from July and used it today.


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