Here's Lookin' at You, Kid

I need to get out more. There's always so much going on in Austin, and I spend far too much time sitting on my sofa, knitting.

The Paramount Theater to the rescue! They have a classic film series every summer. [Bonus: "getting out" doesn't have to include "being outside" when it's 104-degrees.] This year's films include:
  • 2 Thin Man (Nick & Nora Charles) films
    2 Sean-Connery-as-Bond films (From Russia with Love and Dr. No - two of my favorites!)
  • Monty Python & The Holy Grail
  • 2 (early) Star Trek films
  • Films by Scorsese and Robert Altman
  • 2 films each from Newman & Redford (Butch Cassidy, and the Sting), Audrey Hepburn, Peter O'Toole, Orson Welles, Cary Grant...
  • and of course, to end the season, Gone with the Wind.
They're also having a classic film poster auction/sale this weekend, which I might have to go check out. (Not that I have any wall space left, but maybe for my office, if we're ever allowed to hang anything on the walls...) :)

Anybody want to go to the movies?

Update: Rebeka and I went to see Casablanca on Saturday night. I'm ashamed to admit that I had never seen the whole movie all the way through -- although I certainly recognized those famous quotes every time they cropped up. We also saw Episode 1 of The Shadow serial, which will be showing ahead of all of the classic films throughout the summer.

"Louie, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship." :)


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