Good friends are hard to find

E is a good guy. He's funny (as long as you like sarcasm), bright, and a mensch. He knows more about Tiger Woods than I would ever have thought necessary. He's a BoSox fan and a Cowboys fan (ICK! BLECH!), and a good father. And he looooves cheesy 70's music. He was put through the ringer by a nasty divorce, and is on his way to healing.

What E needs more than anything else is a friend.

After talking to him for a month, I realized how much I miss my guy friends. In my late 20's I spent a lot of time hanging out with some amazing guys, but haven't spoken to many of them in a while -- either because they went off and got married, I moved, or we drifted apart. [some of those I'm working on 'finding' again.] I miss going to baseball games, trying new restaurants, flirting even though we knew nothing would ever come of it, and just hanging out. I have worked hard to keep up with a few of you (you know who you are), and always smile when an email pops up or the phone rings.

I must admit that being one of the guys backfired more than once, when I liked a guy but he didn't look at me "that way" any more. Sigh. Story of my life.

Girlfriends are vital (and it took me a long time to appreciate the fabulous ladies in my life), but guy friends are too important to overlook.


Anonymous said…
True dat (to all of the above).
Anonymous said…
Thanks for being a friend.


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