Oscar Party & Birthday Bash

Sunday night was Oscar night, and my birthday! and that's all I needed -- a great excuse to have a party!

For the party, the food had to be themed according to the Best Picture nominees. (I had a good three weeks to think about this, after all...)

Babel: Since the movie takes place in Morocco, Japan and Mexico, I had plenty to choose from. I served chips and guacamole and salsa.

Letters from Iwo Jima: Sushi (I went to World Markets and got nice chopsticks)

Little Miss Sunshine: Fried chicken (first big scene in the movie, they have fried chicken for dinner) and biscuits and cole slaw

The Departed: Samuel Adams beer and Boston Cream Puffs (couldn't find the pie)

The Queen: Walkers Butter Cookies and Sticky Toffee Pudding (yum! from a mix at World Markets)

We also had Oscar ballots, so everyone could try to choose the winners. I wrapped up some goofy prizes, (most correct answers, best picture, best director, fewest correct answers) but by the time the Oscar show ended, everybody but Andy had gone home! But he was just waiting around to win his prize... he's definitely seen more movies than the rest of us -- either that or he's just better at guessing. ;) As it turns out, I got enough prizes so everyone could have one. I'll have to take them in to work tomorrow to pass them out. (New rule next year: You must stay at the party to win your prize!)

Speaking of Andy, Happy 40th! You made it! It's all down-hill from here. (kidding! I'm just kidding!)


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