Building a wall across the border with Mexico isn't enough....

Now we have to make sure nobody gets in our way in OUTER SPACE! US satellites and other objects must have right of way to cruise around the earth. We had to write policy about this? Is it just me, or is this another way to set it up in advance so we can go to war against anyone who violates "our space"? Please, could this be more ridiculous?!? Nobody stood up and said, really, Mr. President, there are more important issues out there, like ...
  • the situation in Darfur
  • cleaning up New Orleans
  • the most violent month in Iraq yet
  • the out-of-control national debt
This can't even be a stunt for the election - it's not hurting anybody! But of course since the right-wing evangelicals don't really believe in science, I'm sure they'd believe Dubya if he said one of the 'Axis of Evil' nations is up there building a Death Star! (that's science *fiction* - which is still more sane to me than intelligent design!)

On a related note, I've recently discovered that I cannot listen to NPR when I'm driving home from work - I end up so angry I yell at the radio! Not good. I'm not angry at NPR. I'm angry at, for example, the evangelicals they intereviewed yesterday who talked about voting for the candidate who they thought was closest to G-d. Hello? Haven't you people heard of the separation of church and state? I'm happy if the candidate is a religious person, that's fine. I just dont need to know about it. Alan Alda's character had a great line about that in the final episodes of West Wing:
"I don't see how we can have a separation of church and state in this government if you have to pass a religious test to get in this government," Vinick declared. (...) "Every day until the end of this campaign I'll answer any question anyone has on government," Vinick concluded. "But if you have a question on religion, please, go to church."

ok, end of rant.


Just Me said…
But you LIKE your rants! Isn't this really more of a pause betwixt rants?

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