Latest projects

It's not that I haven't been knitting... it's just that I haven't remembered to take any pictures. So here you have some evidence:

I am almost done with the second sweater for Samantha. (about time, too, since I'm giving it to her next weekend!) I probably shouldn't post the pictures, because Jae & Teri read my blog, but they'll see it soon enough anyway. I still have to wash and block it, (and do the cuff on the right sleeve), and put a tag on it. But otherwise, pretty good, eh?

Then there's the garterlac dishcloth. I love things with lines and angles. I haven't made anything from my modular knits book yet, but I saw this pattern and I thought it was pretty cool. When I was killing time last week, I picked up my multicolored sock yarn and decided to try it. I had to frog it and try again more than once... as it turned out, I had to rewrite a little of it to make it less confusing. It looks pretty neat! I like it. (The least creative thing, I think, is that I got lazy and took the picture with my dishcloth on my lap.)


Anonymous said…
BEAUTIFUL!!!! And I remember when you were just a wee little knitter!! (i on the other hand still cannot crochet to save my life!!)

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