"Does your team win every week?"


Dani got that question in the restroom after Clueless in Clarendon slew (slayed?) the competition for a second week in a row!! :) It was my last night at RiRa for trivia (for a while, anyway), so it was nice to put in a good showing!

Kudos, first of all, to Joan, who pulled from you-know-where a few answers to the hardest picture round yet - TREES! I mean, really. Who knows anything about botany? ;) Joan, to her credit, it studying to be a naturalist.

There is a debate going at the moment over what should be considered the "tuchus point." It's between Joan's knowledge of foliage, and Dani's World Cup soccer trivia genius, which she saved us with last week as well. For your reading pleasure, the questions from Tuesday night's game: [I am skipping the ones we thought were way too easy, which were doozies like "who was married to Ferdinand Marcos and had a lot of shoes?" and "What American statesman invented the lightning conductor?"]

  • What is the Japanese word for a suicide mission?
  • What is the international radio call sign for the letter Z?
  • Which two airlines flew Concordes?
  • What is the world's largest railway station?
  • What product was invented by Walter Diemer in 1928, and sold by his company, Fleer?
  • What was the first African country to gain its independence?
  • What conductor of the Boston Pops was the composer of Star Wars, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Jaws, etc.?
  • How many locks are there on the Panama Canal?
  • What state has a country music standard as its state song?
  • Who directed the movie 'Face/Off'?
  • On his second trip across the Atlantic, what island did Columbus discover?
  • What snake is responsible for the death of the most humans?
  • In table tennis, what ball color other than white is legal for regulation play?
  • When the Mona Lisa was stolen in August 1911, in what city was it recovered?
  • What is the name of the Egyptian Sun God?
  • Who sang "Rhinestone Cowboy"? (Patrick did, very well in fact.)
  • What musical has the song "Oh What a Beautiful Mornin'"?
  • Who sang "Stand By Your Man"?
World Cup Round:

  • In what year did the USA first compete in the World Cup?
  • Who won the World Cup in 1994?
  • How many matches were played in 1994?
  • Why was Diego Maradona banned from playing in 1994?
  • What was the last **South American country to host the World Cup?
  • What country is hosting in 2010?
  • What famous German player is now the coach of their national team?
  • What former footballer (soccer player) was known as The Kaiser?
**Yes, he said South American, not Latin American. I apologize, I recorded the question incorrectly.


  • Kamikaze
  • Zulu
  • British Airways and Air France
  • Grand Central Station
  • bubble gum
  • Liberia
  • John Williams
  • 6
  • Tennessee
  • John Woo
  • Jamaica
  • Cobra
  • Yellow
  • Florence
  • Ra
  • Glenn Campbell
  • Oklahoma!
  • Tammy Wynette

World Cup Round:

  • 1930
  • Brazil
  • 52
  • Cocaine
  • Argentina
  • South Africa
  • Jurgen Klinsmann
  • Franz Beckenbauer
Without D., we honestly would have been thrown to the sharks in that round. Speaking of which, Clueless in Clarendon will have a new name when they go back to trivia night in two weeks (next week is 4th of July, so we're skipping): "Ho Overboard!" We asked Patrick after the game if it would be ok if the girls sent me text-messages in Austin, since I am technically part of the team... he said fine! (we'll see how that goes.)

And, many many thanks to the Clueless ladies. I have really enjoyed our mental acrobatics every Tuesday night, and I will miss you all a lot! D. has already located a bar in Austin that has trivia night (at least one...) so I might be able to get my 'fix' there, but it just won't be the same! Keep up the good work, and let Patrick serenade you once in a while. :)


Anonymous said…
I 'heart" Irish cowboys! We'll miss you!
Anonymous said…
If the given answer for the "the last Latin American nation to host the World Cup" indeed was Argentina, then someone screwed up royally: Mexico hosted the finals in 1986, which obviously is later than when Argentina hosted (1978).

Mexico isn't a South American country, but it is definitely a Latin American nation.
Just Me said…
I don't know that I'd term a 3-point win a "slaying" but we did indeed manage to win 2 weeks in a row. Aah, if only nasty bathroom girl had been there in the "always a bridesmaid" days.

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