Ain't No Crime

Yes, ok, it's been a week since I blogged anything. This was a pretty boring week, generally... not much I thought anyone else would want to hear about. But here are some tidbits.

[Today is Amy's birthday, I hope Rob took her out someplace nice! Happy Birthday, Amy!]

I had to un-sew the seams on Samantha's sweater... (the next time I decide I want to make raglan sleeves, somebody SHOOT ME! ugh) I will spend some time this weekend sewing the parts back together and hope that it looks better the second time around. Also on my to-do list is a duckie for Hannah Rose Davidson, whom I hope to meet very soon!

And, because USAir and AmericaWest have no clue what to do for people who have actually *paid* for tickets, my flights to/from Las Vegas for Prez weekend will now be in and out of BWI, rather than Dulles. UGH. Expedia has been calling and emailing me in near-panic mode to make sure that I know that my itinerary has changed. At least they're paying attention! On the plus side, the flight to Vegas is non-stop, so if I have to leave my house at 6am, at least I can get some good sleepy-time in on the plane.

I commented to my mom last week that the only guys who have responded to my ad on ***.com (personals) have been divorced men with kid(s). She said, "Your father was a 'divorced man with a kid' when I married him." Doesn't that just put life in perspective?!? I had never thought of it that way. :) So I suppose that means I will have to give some of these guys a chance. Hmmm...


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