Fight On!

Saturday is the USC-Notre Dame football game! It's a biggie. (It's also my mom's birthday, but she decided that she's ok with watching football "as a family" -- in a sports bar -- as her birthday dinner. She's so cool!)

I have been a USC fan since birth, basically - and I didn't even go there! My dad did. He graduated... a few years ago. ;) So we all go to Bailey's at Ballston to watch the USC games with the DC Alumni club. It's a nice big crowd, too. (I'm going to have to go to the USC Bookstore when I go out there at Thanksgiving and get myself some new t-shirts and such.)

I have two "real" alma maters - Rutgers (undergrad) and Maryland (MBA), but really, Rutgers football sucks. It hasn't improved since I went there a decade ago. Maryland is much better at basketball, although they're not doing badly so far this year. But the USC crowd is just so much fun! So that's where my loyalty is.

So come one come all, Fight On at Bailey's on Saturday! Now if only we could figure out if the game's at 2:30 or 3:30...


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